Capacity: Leadership for the Common Good
Capacity: Leadership for the Common Good
'Leadership for the Common Good' is a new mini course for the fall of 2024. It is a collaboration with the Center for Labor and a Just Economy at Harvard Law School. The series will feature faculty and staff from Harvard Law School's Center for Labor and a Just Economy, as well as NEA staff, member leaders and public Pension Trustees, including Princess Moss Vice President of the National Education Association. The objectives will be to define the power of the common good to unite those we lead, as well as, examine the power of advocating and leading for the common good. This course will be helpful for those who are in, or aspire to be in, positions of District, Association and Public Leadership.
Session One: Principles of the Common Good, David Wood and Vonda Brunsting, Center for Labor and a Just Economy, Harvard Law School
Session Two: Advocacy for the Common Good, Mike Williamson, President LEAD 300 and NEA Director for Illinois, Sandra Ludwig, IEA Board of Directors, Lisa Kopetsy, Grass Roots Political Activist for IEA, Nancy Zettler, local Board of Education member and Karen Moore, Uniserv Director for IEA
Session Three: Labor Principles and the Common Good, Denise Bradford, President of the Board of Trustees, California Teacher Retirement System and Doug Prouty, Trustee for the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System
Session Four: Leadership for the Common Good, Princess Moss, Vice President of the National Education Association, Debbie Simonds, President of the Board of Trustees at the Teacher Retirement System of Georgia and Past President of the National Council on Teacher Retirement
Course Facilitator: Eric Horvath, Center for Labor and a Just Economy, Harvard Law School
Course Times and Dates: The sessions will be held on Thursday, October 17 and Wednesdays, October 30, November 13 and December 4, all at 4-5:15pm CST.